Monday 9 November 2009


  • Solitary
  • happy
  • unemotional
  • stoic
  • happy
  • positive
  • secure
  • confident
  • unsociable
  • awkward
  • laid back
  • quiet
  • intelligent
  • unhygenic


  • bitchy
  • moody
  • emotional
  • feminist
  • giggly
  • depressed
  • insecurity
  • sociable
  • gossipy
  • vein
  • perfectionists
  • seductive
  • bossy
  • loud
  • talkative
  • stupid/blonde bimbo
  • squemish/afraid
  • hygenic

Commando-Arnold Schwarzeneger

Arnold schwarzeneger assumptions: soldier, destructive, very strong, undestructable, intelligent, brave, possibly abit unemotional

Alone parent assumptions: protective, loving, wise, talkative, hardworking, role model.

In the film Arnold Schwarzeneger is portrayed as typical alphamale in the opening sequence as he is shot carrying a full tree on one soldier with a chain saw in the other hand somewhat effortlessly. The camera zooms in on his biceps to show his intense strength and power. The sun is also shining behind him which also connotes a certain amount of power to him.

His relationship with his daughter is very emotional close and this is also portrayed with their physical closeness throughout the film. He spends his entire day interacting with her and doing fatherly things.

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